Tag Archives: night of the Lepus

Lucky Rabbits Foot

Wacky science goes awry in 1972’s Night of the Lepus.

There’s a real rabbit problem in the southwest. Hordes of fuzzy little bunnies are burrowing around the farms and flatlands, causing horses to break their legs and inevitably be shot. Enter scientists Roy and Gerry Bennett (Stuart Whitman and scream queen Janet Leigh) who strive to mess about with genes and diseases and hormones to eradicate the issue. The couples creepy little blonde daughter messes about in the lab and, before you know it, the southwest has a REAL rabbit problem.


Yep, you got it right, folks, giant man-mauling (not quite maneating) killer rabbits. Madness abounds.

So much bright red blood.

So many minature sets with bunnies tumbling about over them.

The occasional rabbit suited attack….

One endless night of terrifying cuteness.

This film takes itself a lot more seriously than one might expect, but the bottom line is, if you’ve got a sense of humor, it’s shockingly watchable.

Life lessons:
1. Quit poking around in the lab, kid!
2. Reinforce your walls and windows, you never know when giant bunnies may attack.
3. Darken the blood, this crap looks like paint.
4. Maybe just get a kitten.
5. Have a sense of humor. Laughs save lives.

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Posted by on October 23, 2014 in Uncategorized


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