Tag Archives: low budget horror

Aberration, You Ain’t Kidding

Thirty something moon faced ‘teens’ flirt and fight in Aberration (2013, dir. Douglas Elford-Argent).


Chritsy (Gwendolyn Garver) is a mousey ‘high school’ girl who has odd dreams about grudge-looking ghosts. This most recent ghost seems to be trying to tell her something, and it’s up to her and her rape-faced almost boyfriend Kyle to unravel the mystery.

Ack, what mystery. No shock here, no budget, no decent effects and an insultingly lame story. The acting is laughable, and the actors themselves are clearly far beyond high school age. I’m talking soccer moms and dads, reliving pathetic memories.  Garver as the main character is the least offensive, though she’s not likely to be winning an Oscar any time soon. The rest of the cast come across as local yokels who were roped in to read a line here and there, lines, that, in fact, make little sense and are painfully dumb. In one scene, a police officer with a hilariously Canadian accent, tries to bargain with Christy. If she really, truly can look him in the eye and say Kyle isn’t guilty, he won’t take them to the station. Ah, what? haha ok, dude, whatever.

There is nothing original about this low budget crud bucket. It steals a revenge ghost plot from the grudge, and utilizes the same repeated images of a ghostly eyeless boy as it’s tired old scare over and over. Some violent scenes near the end are humorously bad, and finally did evoke a bit of a smile from me, but they do not make this film worth it. Lack of budget isn’t an excuse for this film, which seems to think it’s audience is full of morons who’ve never seen a horror film in their lives. Give us a little credit, Aberration.

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Posted by on October 25, 2013 in Uncategorized


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